
I'm still learning about this whole sponsor thing, but to those interested

  • Sponsors spots are free until further notice
  • Only required to exchange button/banners (Max height of 200x - Required width of 180x)
  • Preferably blogs with similar interests, but not required

Site Stats:
I started this blog on Sept 10, 2011.  For the ten days of it's opening I have received 240 page views, 21 followers. Not much but it's a start :)

What's in it for you
Starting here shortly I am doing a feature post of my sponsors to introduce you to my blog viewers.  Also feel free to contact me for any giveaway announcements that your blog is hosting.  Last but not least you gain a friend :)

What's Next?
Grab a button, contact me and we'll get this party started!

*Posted: September 20, 2011